Learning Outcome 5 & 6

A skill I learned about citing sources using MLA guidelines is how to cite peer work. This was useful when working on project 3 which required us to use a peers work as evidence. The format for citing peer work was (last name, first name. “Title of Essay.” Publisher, URL. Date accessed.).

How to cite peer work
Work Cited Peer Work from Project 3

Another skill I learned was correcting sentence error and MLA. I have learned that the peer review groups we do in class help with catching sentence errors and MLA mistakes. For example, a comment on my project 1 paper was about including in text citations, “There is no in text citation for your L.W. quote. I would also add some more introduction before you lead into your quote and also a better explanation after that supports the claim of this quote”. I know now that according to MLA I have to include the last name of the author in parentheses after a quotation.

Peer Review Project 1

Having peers review my work allows me to find sentences that may not be worded correctly. For example, a comment on my project 2 essay talked about how some of sentences had good ideas but needed to be reworded. They also provided possible rewording to make the sentence flow better. By editing my earlier drafts through local revision it has allowed me to focus on what message or idea I am trying to push in my writing instead of having to dedicate time fixing simple grammatical errors.

Peer Review Project 2